Guru Ravidas Jayanti 2024

Guru Ravidas Jayanti

In India, a holiday called Guru Ravidas Jayanti is observed to commemorate the birth of Guru Ravidas, a spiritual teacher and poet who was important to the Bhakti movement there. A spiritual movement known as Bhakti emphasized dedication to God as the way to salvation. In the 15th century, Guru Ravidas was born in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. He was not born on a specific day.

Many Hindus revere him as a saint, and his bhakti songs, which were composed in the local Hindi dialect, are still well-liked today. Many people have been inspired by his teachings and ideology, which placed a strong emphasis on the value of social justice and equality, and they are still relevant today. Guru Ravidas Jayanti is typically observed in February.

Why is Guru Ravidas Jayanti a special occasion?

Guru Ravidas was a poet and spiritual guide who had a big impact on the Indian Bhakti movement. Guru Ravidas’ political activism and focus on equality and justice in society were one of his distinctive qualities.

He worked to advance the rights and upliftment of marginalized and oppressed communities, such as the outcasts and women, because he believed in the fundamental equality of all people. His principles and teachings are still applicable and motivating today. In addition, Guru Ravidas was well-known for his devotional songs, which are still well-liked today. These songs were composed in the local Hindi dialect.

Bhakti Movement

The Bhakti movement had a significant influence on India’s religious and cultural landscape, and it is still a significant aspect of Hindu tradition. Kabir, Guru Nanak, Mirabai, and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu are some of the best-known saints and religious figures connected to the Bhakti movement.

  • Between the seventh and ninth centuries, Tamil Nadu saw the growth of the Bhakti movement.
  • It was reflected in the sensitive poetry of the Nayanars and Alvars, who were devotees of Shiva (devotees of Vishnu). These saints viewed religion as a warm bond built on love between worship and idolization rather than a formal, cold form of worship.
  • Though it was a very slow method, ideas from the South eventually made their way to the North.
  • The use of regional languages was a more successful strategy for promoting the Bhakti philosophy. The verses of the Bhakti saints were written in regional tongues.


He rose to fame as a result of his unwavering religious poetry and his belief in a single God. His entire life was devoted to ending the caste system, and he openly detested the idea of a Brahmanic society. His devotional songs had an immediate impact on the Bhakti Movement, and the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikhs’ sacred book, contains about 41 of his poems.

In his work, which was written in 1693, more than 170 years after Guru Ravidas’s demise, he is mentioned as one of the seventeen saints of Indian religious tradition. Both the Parcais of Anantadas and the Bhaktamal of Nabhadas from the seventeenth century contain chapters about Guru Ravidas. Nearly 400 years after his death, in the early 20th century, the majority of other literary sources about the life of Ravidas, such as those by the Ravidasi (followers of Guru Ravidas), were written.

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