Once upon a time in life, we all have crossed that age at which we used to go to school. Unluckily most of us did not like to go to school for the first time or some of us did not like to go to school throughout our entire life. But now when we think about our old school days, we imagine how magical and golden those days were. Absolutely no tension, no worries about the future, and no major concerns about our looks, we also don’t use to think about what people or the entire world will think before taking any step forward.
Those golden and memorable days I still remember when I used to go to school. at first when I started my education from pre-nursery schooling. I did not like that to go to school for the first few years, but slowly and gradually when I started making friends in my school. I started liking that place too. In the first few weeks of my schooling, no child came to me to talk to and I was a really shy girl at that time. Months passed away then simultaneously I started developing my skills and sharpening my knowledge. Before I stepped into school I didn’t even know that I had a God-gifted talent for drawing beautiful artwork and paintings.
As teachers in our school encouraged us to be good at painting my hidden talent stepped out in front of everyone. I still remember one of my teachers always used to like my paintings and my artworks very much that she would not be able to believe that a 5-year small girl had made it. Impressed by my hidden talent slowly and gradually many children came to me to talk and they wanted me as a friend at last and yes, of course, I maintained my friendship very well with my classmates. so like other boys and girls in the school now I also got some friends to enjoy with and to make or create beautiful memories of school life.
My School and its Environment
The name of my school was Saint Thomas. It was one of the best schools in the City. My father was very serious about my education. He chose this school carefully and by comparing it with other schools. I still remember it was a peach colour 7-storied building with a huge playground with lots of rides in it. there was a common corridor for every classroom on the same floor. There was also a beautiful garden with several flowers and different kinds of plants that decide the playground of the school. Usually, there were too many aquariums placed on different floors in different places or directions of the building loaded with different kinds of fishes, turtles, and other sea animals in it.
But the one fish tank I remember was placed in the corridor of the third floor of the building which was the largest one. That aquarium was the home of several beautiful and unique sea or water animals. There was jellyfishes, starfishes, a small breed of octopus, turtles, piranha fish, goldfish and many other different unique breeds of fishes was there. The teacher’s staff room was on the ground floor attached to the assembly hall for the students. The vice-principals office first just decides the principal’s office. Our principal was a very kind person he used to love kids but our vice principal was a little bit strict in nature though sometimes he used to scream at some suspected children.
As a School Student
Just as usual I was a very lazy student but the encouragement and ongoing force which used to come from my parents help me to become an active girl and to study well. if my parents wouldn’t force me to study at first I don’t think that I would be able to complete my education. Because just like other children I also hated studying throughout my entire life of school but when I stepped into college I got interacted with the fact that studying is necessary to lead a great life I wish I would know this thing in school life. Though I was a lazy student but not an average one in my class. The credit goes to my parents. My mother made my daily routine which I had to follow at any cost.
In that routine, I had to wake up at 6 AM But I don’t know why she did it. I would like to sleep at 9 o’clock because my school used to start at 11 o’clock. Sometimes she also made me wake up at 5:30 which was horrible for me at that time. She did not let me sleep more than 6:am on the holidays or the weekends also. After that, I was bound to do a regular yoga routine before having my breakfast then after having my breakfast I left for school every morning. She also makes me sit for 2 hours in the morning to study at any cost. She is a kind of time management for me. That is the reason why my academic results are so good with a lazy girl attitude.
Good things and bad things about My School Life
There are many good things about my school I love the place from where I did my schooling that was the only place that provided me peace in my teenage. If we talk about good things then I can say everything was good there nothing was that bad. Especially the teachers I had in my school were amazing, helpful, friendly, and experienced. The environment of my school was also amazing due to the good and helpful teachers.
The classmates I had were also good well some exceptions are there. Most of all my best friends were the soul of my schooling life. I can’t even imagine my school life without them. If they were not there then my school life must have been ruined. I had two best friends in my school and I am glad that I met them there. They were amazing people and still, I am in contact with them.
Now if we come to talk about some of the disadvantages then there are not many disadvantages of my school but one annoying thing was there which are the maids of the school. They do not use to do their work properly. The canteen of our school was also a drawback in my school in life. The food was fine with an average taste but the rates were too much higher than the outside.
Memories which I Miss from My School Life
Some of the memories which I miss from my school life is
- Playing with friends
- Every year meeting with new students
- Riding on the Swing
- Enjoying in the canteen
- Reading English was my favourite subject.
- Gossiping with my best friends
- Making beautiful artworks and art crafts for school exhibitions.
- Spending time doing nothing in the substitution classroom.
- Cultural events and festivals are held by our school.
- And at last that craving inside me for acquiring knowledge.
So in the conclusion of this, we can say that school life is a memorable and golden time period in every person’s life. The friends and memories we make here were unforgettable. When we grow up and give a sneak peek into our school life then realize how special it was and what we missed the most. Without a little bit of naughtiness, nobody can make it a fun spending time.
Here we knew that we learn from mistakes. Our school was like a temple. The teachers present there were like priests to us, and the knowledge was the ultimate God in that temple which is in the form of school. We should never forget our roots and what we have learned from our school life. We spend one-third of our lives in our school.
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